Link Building Strategies That Really Work

Most link building strategies no longer work. Broken link building is nearly impossible to scale. HARO is more competitive than ever, and you get very few following backlinks. Email promotions are very unreliable.

So what can you do? Which strategies actually work?

“Currently, three strategies are at work on uSERP to build truly valuable links at scale that won’t be removed, replaced, or ‘link rot’.”

1. Content-first approach
Submit long-form content assets to your website in exchange for a link.

Wait a minute, isn’t this just a guest post? It’s not like that.

Content-first Approach Submit Long-form

Traditional guest posting is often useless. If you Google “guest post marketing sites,” you’ll see 100s of sites that accept guest posts. What is the problem? Competitors are also using this method.

These sites are often low quality and only accept any submissions.

These are sites you want to avoid.

Instead, a content-first approach should Ws Number List target the highest quality websites online through a personalized approach.

Find 100 websites you would like to receive backlinks from. Now take the time to build a relationship with the editors of that website. Propose posts that are relevant to your website’s readership and provide real value.

Ranktracker Recommends Userp Outsource Your

Write articles that are worth publishing and not purely self-promotional. It must be at least 2,000 words, fully optimized, and something that would cost a company $1,000 to write. You need to make your content valuable enough that you’ll want to publish it within a few days.

Although it is time consuming, this is the best way to generate DT Leads backlinks from the biggest websites in the world. For example, here’s a post I wrote on Big Commerce 5 years ago.

This post continues to rank on the first page for your target keywords even after several years without any updates. And because of that, hundreds of Big Commerce links delivered more PageRank to my website.

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